Emergency work – ongoing
Outside Work – from 18th May
• Sheds/fences/gates – repaired, replaced, installed.
• Kids play equipment – collected, assembled, installed, custom made.
• Decks/patios/paths – cleaned, repaired, installed.
• Skips/skip bags – organised and filled.
• Pressure washing, cutting, tidying.
• Garden furniture, planters etc made.
Inside Work – anticipated from 8th June
Covid Return to Work Safely Protocol
We are committed to implementing government guidance in containing this virus.
We have arrangements in place for social distancing, hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette and surface cleaning. Payment can be made by phone, card or bank transfer.
Segregation between customers and ourselves must take place. We will keep social distancing by not being in the same rooms as customers for the duration of the work or using the same doors concurrently to get in and out of the house. We will implement regular hand hygiene and wiping down of surfaces before starting and after finishing works.
We have completed the Construction Industry Federation Certificate in working with C19.
Customers must make their own assessment of the threat of Covid-19 and also carry out their own preventative measures.